Directed and choreographed by Liesel Zink in collaboration with:
Sound Artist
Mike Willmett
Rehearsal Director and Assistant Choreographer
Robert Flehr
Dancers of Mature Artist Dance Experience
Chrissie Bell, Joanna Dean, Beverley Funnell, Shirley Gibson, Kate Ireland, Christine Keele, Sally Lock and Penny Carey Wells.
Martyn Coutts
@ Junction Arts Festival
Launceston 2016
‘The world is needing care and love
Dreadful events at every bend
Perhaps our time to be bold again is just around the corner.
Taking a stance in favour of truth and justice
is an obligation for those of us who live in grace
A privilege not to be assumed. Dictators are always in the wings.
Revealing the truth requires eloquent courage
It may call for silent protest; for sitting down rather than standing up?
Acting rather than talking; for who will step forward if we do not?’
(Excerpt from a poem by Beverley Funnel (MADE Dancer) inspired by her reflections on protest throughout The Stance process.)
Tasmania is known for its rich history of protest and activism particularly when protecting some of its stunning wilderness. The development and performance of The Stance in Launceston happened over several weeks of engagement over 2015 – 2016.
During Junction Arts Festival 2015, Liesel and Mike undertook a week long residency at QVM Art Gallery researching Tasmanian specific protest through conversations & interviews with local historians, archivists, activists & organizations (inc. Wilderness Society).
Their knowledge, thoughts and perspectives inspired the creative re-development of the work on eight dancers from Mature Artists Dance Ensemble (MADE), the final work being presented in Brisbane St Mall for Junction Arts Festival 2016.
Colour photos by Junction Arts | Black and white photos by Jen Brown
Special thanks to the support of Tasdance, Salamanca Arts Centre, Olgivie State Highschool and the many locals that contributed their stories and experiences to the making of this work.
The Stance was first created with the support of Metro Arts, with the assistance of the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. The Stance in Tasmania was seeded by Dance Satellite, curated and produced by Britt Guy.