
Liesel Zink

Collaborators and
Artistic Guidance

Merinda Davies, Martyn Coutts, Katrina Olsen, Guy Ritani, Tal Fitzpatrick, Norton Fredricks


Daruvaty | дарувати

Daruvaty | дарувати (meaning ‘to give’) is a one-on-one experience and exhibition centred around the intricate art of Pysanky, a Ukrainian tradition handed down through generations of Liesel’s family. Pysanky are Ukrainian Eggs gifted to others to demonstrate friendship, well wishes and a desire to protect against harm. They are made over several hours using a wax-resist method with each intricate pattern, symbol and colour imbued with specific meaning. It is believed that while making pysanky you are in a meditative state of love, sending your wishes to those you intend to gift the egg. Pysanky are typically made during Easter time, however in 2022 there was a world-wide movement of creating pysanky for peace.

Daruvaty | дарувати invites public to participate in the making of a contemporary community pysanka (singular). Created by approximately 6 – 12 people, each community pysanka is displayed alongside the communities intentions in a gradually evolving exhibition.

Daruvaty was originally commissioned and produced by BLEACH* Festival 2022.