Liesel Zink is an award-winning choreographer of Ukrainian and German descent, working on the unceded lands of the Turrbal and Jagera people. She has socially-engaged practice that has seen her develop and present work around Australia, Asia and Eastern Europe. She’s passionate about using the arts to initiate dialogue between people of different backgrounds, cultures and generations.
As an Independent choreographer she is most well known for the creation of large-scale public space performances, most significantly ‘The Stance’ which was performed on over 80 dancers in 10 cities world wide. ‘The Stance’ won the 2017 Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Independent Dance. In 2023 she will premiere her en-masse project ‘Us And All Of This’ at Arts Centre Melbourne, Geelong and Bunjil Place. Other recent independent productions include: ‘Awesome: a state of wonder and fear’ (World Science Festival 2021), ‘Our New’ (IMA Gallery 2020), ‘We and the Uncertain’ (Ukraine 2019) and ‘Inter’ (Flowstate 2018). As a choreographer, Liesel has also been commissioned to choreograph for Sydney Dance Company PPY, ADC Youth Dance Company, Expressions Dance Company, Tasdance and LINK.
Liesel is currently an Associate Artist for Force Majeure, developing a new project exploring female legacy. In 2021 she was Assistant Director for ‘The Last Season’ 2021 and she was a Lead Artist for ‘FLOCK’ presented at the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
More broadly, Liesel is a dramaturge, facilitator, producer and advocate. Some of her work in this field includes dramaturging for artists Michael Smith, Ashleigh Musk, Bridie Hooper, Ivy Tsui; provocateuring for GENERATE (2019-2021); being the Chair of Supercell (2019-20); facilitating the South-East Asian Choreolab (Rimbun Dahan, Mayalsia 2019); producing Amrita Hepi’s ‘A Call To Dance’ Tour 2019 through Performing Lines; mentoring performing artists in Queensland in both a formal and informal capacity.